I have been meaning to post THIS ARTICLE for some time, I can totally relate to this. I love Pinterest and I've been a blogger for years. But I guess the constant stream of other peoples accomplishments has started to take its toll.
Many nights I have had that same conversation as this lady with Theo. I have felt inadequate as a Mother and Wife. Was I doing enough? That was the constant question on my mind. Several times Theo has tried to convince me that I am enough, and that is all they need. But I didn't really believe him, I didn't think he really felt the pressure of being a good mother. Not until I read it from another mother's perspective did I realize that I am not alone, and I need to stop trying to do MORE, I just need to be me.
Kara, thank you for this post. That is truly how I feel right now. I love all the creativity that flows in the information world, but being when you're told to do this and that to be a good mom on one end and then told to do that and this to be a good mom on the other end, it gets overwhelming and downright depressing. I try so hard sometimes and fall into failure, that I just want to curl up and quit. Being a mother is nothing like I thought it would be and oh-so-much more. It is soooo very hard and so rewarding. I need to focus on what I can do and less on what I can't. Thank you so much for this post and the article. It is exactly what I needed to read when I needed to read it. Thank you for being your darling, wonderful self!
I am so glad you got the same confirmation that I got, Liberty. I didn't post here, but as I read this article the first time I was bawling my eyes out! It was a good cry, a cry of relief! And you are an amazing and stylish (I might add!) mom!! =)
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