Thursday, September 25, 2008

So Sad

How pathetic is it of me to add a counter to my blog and notice that it only goes up when I look at it. I am so lonely.


Maureen said...

That can't be true. How do I add the counter? I know it will always be 2. Consider the blog your own journal. Don't think about other people. who cares what they think? You can look back and see how your life is going and thats cool. People are just busy. They still care.

Maureen said...

And stop with the "The freaking CURE". YUCK!

Kara and Theo said...

What do you think of the Vampire Weekend? They are too happy for Charlie's taste, I'm sure.

Andrea said...

I used to feel the same way. Trust me, it will go up. I'm glad to be able to come to your blog. I saw your comments for a while on Maureen's blog, but I could not get to yours when I clicked on your name, but for some reason tonight I was able to. I love it!
OH, and what is a Vampire Weekend? Does it have anything to do with Twilight? =)

Shumaker said...

Kara I check your blog all the time. You are so funny cause you are not alone. Hannah is so cute.

Kara and Theo said...

Maureen is just giving me a hard time about the music I like to listen to. Vampire Weekend is a band Theo and I recently discovered. I put some of their songs on my playlist. The Vampire thing is just a cool coincidence.