I was unusually calm when I woke up. I imagined just going for a good run and the nerves didn't get to me. It was a beautiful morning, not too cloudy or too cold. There was a 20K that left before our group went. When our group started out I stuck close to the friend that got me into this, K. She is super tall, but good for me she kept a good pace that wasn't too hard for me. There were hills and gullies and lots of mud. This one lady behind us slipped. Even parts of the path were covered with a stream of water coming from off the mountain. It wasn't too deep and my socks stayed pretty dry, thankfully. When I got to 4 miles I felt that I had reached my limit. I stopped running for a little while, like 1 minute, and once I had my breath back I picked up the pace again. 4-5 was probably the hardest, but 5-6 my body was on cruise control and that was pretty awesome. I think the hardest part of the whole race was at the very end, there is a slight increase that goes on for a little while and I was really pushing myself not to stop running. As I came around the bend into the clearing where the crowd was waiting and cheering, I see Tobie running up to the side fence with a sign they had made while I was gone that read, "Mom, You Rock". It was such an amazing thing. I was so glad that my family came to see me accomplish something that I have worked so hard for.
I think my time was pretty good, 1.09. First place was a pregnant lady! Then there was another pregnant lady who came in behind me, and another lady with a 5 week old baby there! These people are hard core. It was such a nice run and I don't blame any of them for wanting to participate in it.
I'm not going to lie, I was hurting afterward. As soon as I got home I drew a really hot bath and soaked for as long as the water was warm. Then I took some Ibuprofen and lazied around the house as much as I could. After the race I was asked if I was bitten by the running bug, and at that moment I felt like I had been there, done that. But as time has passed I actually think I have been bitten. I feel more proud of myself when my ankles aren't throbbing, and I think I could definitely be a part of something like this on a regular basis. And maybe I will. This could be the beginning of a wonderful adventure!
Wow! Congrats, that is so awesome! I would agree with Tobie and the kiddies. You Rock!!
I probably should have read your post sooner!! That is so awesome!! I can't believe you did that without any music!!! I don't think I could have. You are awesome and that is an awesome time!!!! I wish you lived closer so we could be running buddies!! You should totally plan on doing the Disney Princess run with me!!
I just re-read my comment and I realize that I said awesome 3 times. Wow, I must really think you're awesome!! And I do!!!
Kara you're my hero! Maybe, I can grow up to be like you!
You don't have the pics yet because they are still on my camera! You better sign up for the Wild Boar run on May 9th. Looks beautiful. I did my first round of speedwork on Wed and I was dying. But, it'll pay off when my quads are HUGE. :-)
Woohoo! I'm so proud of you. Way to go girl.
Great JOB! What an accomplishment!
"I am so proud of you. You end of doing some of the most amazing things.
I am almost afraid for you to come back to Alabama for fear that it may
curtail your adventurous spirit. Love you, Daddy
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