I know I haven't posted in a while, but there is a reasonable explanation. I have all these photos that I was wanting to post, but with the move into our new home I can't find my camera's USB cord. Also we have just been connected to the world wide web again. Every time I have gotten online the connection was so weak from a neighboring wi-fi I haven't been able to stay on. Now that I have been able to get back on I have been doing my blog updates. I usually get sidetracked writing on my blog because I have spent my free time reading up on all my favorite blogs.
Speaking of, I was on my friend Annie's blog. She is currently in S. Korea now (her husband is in the Army) and she has 2 kids with one on the way. I have always admired her energy and ability to do things. She was talking about stay-at-home mothering and she made a comment that really hit home for me.
"Stay-at-homing is so unstructured that it's too easy to underachieve. Where there is no accountability, there is no progress."
I completely agree with this statement. Unfortunately I tend to take the low road because there is no accountability. I get good ideas for fun and education, but I usually get sidetracked by either laziness or dread. Dread because we all know the stories of taking the family out for a fun outing that turned into a whine fest and nothing worked out. I get stressed out easily so I tend to avoid things that may cause some sort of panic.
I realize that I need to try more and get over this annoyance I have. I get agitated that they all want something, and it's usually something different all at the same time. Sometimes I just want to read a book, or watch the news, or go to the bathroom without being bothered with someone hitting the other. I mean really, what can I do about it while sitting on the toilet???
But I only have them for such a short time and this won't be forever. I don't want my kids to grow up and I have regrets for not taking advantage of the time I have with them.
I'm going to work on it first thing tomorrow. That is...if I'm not too tired.